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Marketing Materials
63 items.
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ACS Logo Brand Lock-up
AFT Veterans Day Sale - Web Promo
BOSS Brand Guide - includes Social Media Strategy
U.S. Army Brand Guidelines
NEW Army Logo 2 - Vertical
NEW Army Logo 1 Rev - Horizontal
NEW US Army Logo 1 - White
NEW US Army Logo2 - White
New US Army Logo 1 - Horizontal Black
New US Army Logo - Black
Sponsorship Sizzle Reel
2022 CYS Hiring - General Poster & Flyer (updated brand)
Pilot - Fillable Poster - CYS Benefits (updated brand)
Pilot - Digital Sign - CYS Benefits (updated brand)
Pilot - Flyer - CYS Benefits (Updated Brand)
Dec - Army MWR SM Posts - Fall into Fun with MWR
Nov - Army MWR SM Posts - Fall into Fun with MWR
Logo - Fall into Fun with MWR
Army MWR SM Posts - Fall into Fun with MWR
2022 CYS Europe Recruitment Fair - Flyer (brand update)
2022 CYS Recruitment Fair - Generic Fillable (brand updated)
2022 CYS Hiring - Fillable Poster & Flyer (updated brand)
2022 CYS Hiring - Digital Sign (updated brand)
AMC Branding Logo Lockup - IMCOM Update
EFMP Style Guides
EFMP & ME Logos
Strong B.A.N.D.S. HPRC Injury Prevention
Strong B.A.N.D.S. HPRC Recipes
MOMC 2021 - Digital Frame
AMC Logo
DG Buttons
DG Brand Color Guide
COVID19 Communication - CYS Reopening Materials
NEW Army Brand AMC MWR Business Card Template
Flyer Template 2024
Habanero B/W
Java Cafe Color
Java Cafe B/W
Lil Skeeter B/W
Mulligan Color
Primo's Pizza Color
Primo's Pizza B/W
Primo's Express Color
Primo's Brick Oven Color
Primo's Brick Oven B/W
Reggie's B/W
Reggie's Express B/W
Starbucks Color
Strike Zone Color
Strike Zone B/W
Strike Zone B/W Outline
Habanero Color
(Historical Use Only) - EFMP PROMOTIONAL VIDEO
NEW Army Logo 1 - Horizontal
2017 AMA Integrated Marketing Communications
MWR Folder Print Setup
ArmyMWR Logo Full Color
ACS Logo Brand Lock-up
Full Color ACS and Gray Line versions (updated IMCOM crest 16 May 2024)
AFT Veterans Day Sale - Web Promo
750x421 px
BOSS Brand Guide - includes Social Media Strategy
U.S. Army Brand Guidelines
NEW Army Logo 2 - Vertical
Logo 2 (stacked) is the vertical configuration. It is the alternate and secondary lockup. It should be used only in cases where the primary lockup is not appropriate.
NEW Army Logo 1 Rev - Horizontal
Logo 1 is the horizontal configuration. It is the preferred and primary lockup. It should always be used unless format dictates otherwise.
NEW US Army Logo 1 - White
Logo 1 is the horizontal configuration. It is the preferred and primary lockup. It should always be used unless format dictates otherwise.
NEW US Army Logo2 - White
Logo 2 (stacked) is the vertical configuration. It is the alternate and secondary lockup. It should be used only in cases where the primary lockup is not appropriate.
New US Army Logo 1 - Horizontal Black
Logo 1 is the horizontal configuration. It is the preferred and primary lockup. It should always be used unless format dictates otherwise.
New US Army Logo - Black
Logo 2 (stacked) is the vertical configuration. It is the alternate and secondary lockup. It should be used only in cases where the primary lockup is not appropriate.
Sponsorship Sizzle Reel
Go to link: (LINK WILL EXPIRE ON JAN 21ST) https://www.mwrbrandcentral.com/download_file/631e7689-0ad0-4120-ab97-e06ec0f2af4d/0
2022 CYS Hiring - General Poster & Flyer (updated brand)
11 x 17; 8.5 x 11
Pilot - Fillable Poster - CYS Benefits (updated brand)
11 x 17
Pilot - Digital Sign - CYS Benefits (updated brand)
Pilot - Flyer - CYS Benefits (Updated Brand)
8.5 x 11
Dec - Army MWR SM Posts - Fall into Fun with MWR
Video and image social media post (1080 px x 1250 px) Army MWR Social Media platforms. Link to the logo and web page images: https://www.mwrbrandcentral.com/index.php/assets/24935 Link to Fall into Fun Campaign: https://www.mwrbrandcentral.com/collections/24864
Nov - Army MWR SM Posts - Fall into Fun with MWR
Video social media post (1080 px x 1250 px) Army MWR Social Media platforms. Link to the logo and web page images: https://www.mwrbrandcentral.com/index.php/assets/24935 Link to Fall into Fun Campaign: https://www.mwrbrandcentral.com/collections/24864
Logo - Fall into Fun with MWR
Transparent background .png. We highly recommend that you use the off-white logo on all of your designs to create consistency for this campaign. Use a drop shadow, gradient, or dark background. We included a black version of the logo, just in case, there is no way to make the off-white one work. Please do not change to logo or it's colors in any way. Link to October's social media posts: https://www.mwrbrandcentral.com/assets/24919
Army MWR SM Posts - Fall into Fun with MWR
Video social media post (1080 px x 1250 px) Army MWR Social Media platforms. October 1 is for the pinned post at the top of Facebook and Twitter. There are two versions, V2 swaps out the librarian clip with a Halloween party clip. Link to the logo and web page images: https://www.mwrbrandcentral.com/index.php/assets/24935
2022 CYS Europe Recruitment Fair - Flyer (brand update)
Fillable 8.5" x 11"
2022 CYS Recruitment Fair - Generic Fillable (brand updated)
Fillable flyer - please work with your garrison CYS to add the information.
2022 CYS Hiring - Fillable Poster & Flyer (updated brand)
Fillable 11 x 17; 8.5 x 11
2022 CYS Hiring - Digital Sign (updated brand)
AMC Branding Logo Lockup - IMCOM Update
CMYK - Printing / RGB - Digital
EFMP Style Guides
The files included here are the 2021 Brand Guides for the new EFMP campaign.
EFMP & ME Logos
The files included here are the EPS, JPG, and PNG for the new EFMP logos, and include the branding usage instructions in the downloadable PDF. This is the official logo as of 2021.
Strong B.A.N.D.S. HPRC Injury Prevention
STRONG B.A.N.D.S. partner, Human Performance Resource Center (HPRC), a division of Consortium for Health and Military Performance has put together a number of great resources for garrisons to enhance their STRONG B.A.N.D.S. campaign. Please refer to the Excel document for more information. You can also download the marketing materials they created. Be sure to look at all of the tabs on the Excel file. https://www.mwrbrandcentral.com/assets/21017
Strong B.A.N.D.S. HPRC Recipes
You are able to click the HPRC collection below to see materials. Excel Sheet with all HPRC Materials - https://www.mwrbrandcentral.com/assets/21017
MOMC 2021 - Digital Frame
We encourage children and youth to share their stories of resilience during April using the My Resiliency Story Frame found on Brand Central link (https://www.mwrbrandcentral.com/collections/20572). Please share with your programs and Families to use throughout the month. The possibilities are endless. This resource can be used in hard copy or digitally for social media posting and sharing in the program. If posting to Facebook or Twitter, don't forget to use #ArmyMOMC2021 How to insert your photo: 1. Insert> Pictures 2. Select your photos and Insert 3. Position your photo to the middle of the frame 4. Arrange > Send to Back.
AMC Logo
Please see the image for correct size usage of the AMC logo. Army logo required. AMC logo is now the same height as the NEW U.S. Army logo. IMCOM and/or MWR should 10% smaller than the AMC size.
DG Buttons
DG Brand Color Guide
COVID19 Communication - CYS Reopening Materials
NEW Army Brand AMC MWR Business Card Template
1 and 2 sided versions (2-sided available in InDesign template and fillable PDF) For in house printing use Avery Paper - 5874 / clean edge Business Card Font should be I.G. 530 if you have it downloaded. Brand Toolkit Provided from Army Enterprise Marketing Office is at sharepoint link: https://armyeitaas.sharepoint-mil.us/sites/IMCOM-HQ-PAO/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FIMCOM%2DHQ%2DPAO%2FShared%20Documents%2FARMY%20BRANDING&viewid=f3b5f43e%2Dd279%2D4535%2Da521%2D835a6cb0fbdf
Flyer Template 2024
School Support Services Flyer templates
Habanero B/W
Java Cafe Color
Java Cafe B/W
Lil Skeeter B/W
Mulligan Color
Primo's Pizza Color
Primo's Pizza B/W
Primo's Express Color
Primo's Brick Oven Color
Primo's Brick Oven B/W
Reggie's B/W
Reggie's Express B/W
Starbucks Color
Strike Zone Color
Strike Zone B/W
Strike Zone B/W Outline
Habanero Color
(Historical Use Only) - EFMP PROMOTIONAL VIDEO
For historical purposes only. Branding no longer valid. USAGE NOTE: 30 sec - http://youtu.be/-WSNCLiiTSg 60 sec - http://youtu.be/IUoSbYpe1eU
NEW Army Logo 1 - Horizontal
Logo 1 is the horizontal configuration. It is the preferred and primary lockup. It should always be used unless format dictates otherwise.
2022 Version of SOS Folder w/ updated branding - PDF, print ready, cut lines
2022 Versions of Poster (11x17) and Flyer (8.5x11) w/ updated branding - PDF, print ready
2017 AMA Integrated Marketing Communications
USAGE NOTE: Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is one of the hottest topics in the industry, yet planning and execution remain a challenge in today’s rapidly changing marketing environment. This program will teach professionals how to create successful IMC plans and will give them a roadmap for effective integration of traditional and newer interactive, social technologies—including corporate blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and mobile devices, etc. This highly engaging workshop is designed to help professionals develop an IMC roadmap using case studies, exercises, breakouts and best practices. You will learn how to create a powerful content strategy which delivers the right message to the right audience in the right place. You will learn to create an integrated marketing communications strategy which will deliver the engaging brand experience needed to drive revenues and create real customer value for your organization. TAKEAWAYS What is the current thinking on integrated marketing communications, and how and why is each element critical to success? How to create an effective, well integrated IMC plan, blending offline and online tools to maximize customer value What is the right mix of traditional and social media, digital, direct response, mobile, etc? How to strategically link and leverage all elements in the communication mix across channels to deliver a clear, compelling and consistent message How to evaluate the contribution of each Marcom element—including advertising, direct marketing, Facebook, Twitter and blogs—in order to maximize communication impact How to orchestrate all of the key consumer touch points where your customer meets your brand How to develop an effective content strategy to ensure delivery of coordinated and synergistic messages across all touch points and channels How to understand and apply the Social Media Buyer Behavior ModelTM to create engaging content to reach, impact and engage customers bombarded by communication noise in a non-linear world
MWR Folder Print Setup
ArmyMWR Logo Full Color
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MWR Branded Templates
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Army Community Service (ACS) Logos
October 25, 2018
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