The Family and MWR brand identity consists of specific spoken and written elements we use to identify Family and MWR programs and services. Brand "voice" is the written and spoken part of the brand identity — how we describe Family and MWR, and the tone and style we use. This document describes how to use those elements.
The purpose of these Voice Guidelines is to ensure the entire Family and MWR community speaks as one voice using a consistent tone, style and quality in all spoken and written communications. The Voice Guidelines are intended for marketing and public affairs personnel and anyone with responsibilities for developing written and spoken communications about Family and MWR. These guidelines should be applied to all communications efforts, such as advertising, newsletters, posters, fliers, media relations, etc.
Every Family and MWR contact point is important and helps to share and reinforce the overall image of Family and MWR in the hearts and minds of customers, providers, hosts and patrons.
The Communications Framework establishes the Family and MWR brand "voice" to ensure all Family and MWR communications are on-strategy, on-message, and convey a clear, consistent and cohesive brand identity.
Together, the Strategic Communications Plan, Visual Guidelines and Voice Guidelines will work to safeguard and support the long-term success of the Family and MWR brand by unifying and centrally guiding all Family and MWR communications. The Family and MWR brand identity should convey one family of services, one voice and one look.
Positioning: What is Family and MWR? A clear definition for all audiences.
The Family and MWR positioning statement connects elements of the Brand Positioning in a prioritized, reasonably complete, and smooth flowing fashion. It is short enough to be easily understood by all audiences. It is intended primarily for third parties communicating the brand value to others, i.e., the media. However, any person who is unfamiliar with the depth and breadth of Family and MWR services may find it useful. It should be incorporated in communications such as press releases, media statements and speeches. It may also be used as a boilerplate on advertising, brochures, etc.
We have included an additional expanded definition for those who need more detail on the specific services Family and MWR provides.
Family and MWR is a comprehensive network of support and leisure services designed to enhance the lives of soldiers (active, Reserve, and Guard), their families, military retirees, civilian employees and other eligible participants.
Over 35,000 Family and MWR employees worldwide strive to deliver the highest quality programs and services at each installation — from family, child and youth programs to recreation, sports, entertainment, travel and leisure activities. Their mission is to serve the needs, interests and responsibilities of each individual in the Army community for as long as they are associated with the Army, no matter where they are.
Family and MWR contributes to the Army’s strength and readiness by offering services that reduce stress, build skills, improve self-confidence and foster strong esprit de corps. Family and MWR services also help the Army attract and retain talented people. Family and MWR is proof of the Army’s commitment to caring for the people who serve and stand ready to defend the nation.
Family and MWR support services range from child development and after school programs to deployment assistance, relocation aid, career services, financial management, family counseling and social/support networks for single soldiers, families, retirees and civilians. MWR leisure services include sports programs, fitness centers, parks and recreational facilities, libraries, restaurants, clubs, concerts, community events, travel services and leisure travel lodging, as well as auto skills and arts & crafts centers.
MISSION: Why does Family and MWR exist?A clear mission for employees
Introduce the mission to employees and use it as a constant reminder of their connection to the network of services that comprise Family and MWR and their role in fulfilling the Army's mission.
Family and MWR exists because the U.S. Army is committed to the well-being of the community of people who serve and stand ready to defend the nation.
Our Mission is to serve the needs, interests and responsibilities of each individual in the Army community with support and leisure services designed to enhance the quality of their lives for as long as they are associated with the Army, no matter where they are.
WE pledge to meet the needs of our customers — active, Reserve, and Guard soldiers, civilian employees, retirees, all respective family members, and other eligible participants — with Family and MWR services comparable to those available off-post.
We make sure our customers have access to the services they want and need by informing them and connecting them to our broad range of programs — from family, child and youth services to recreation, sports, entertainment, travel and leisure activities.
We protect our customers’ access to our many programs by maintaining service quality, which ensures that our programs deliver real value, are truly enjoyed and have adequate participation to guarantee their availability when needed.
PROMISE: How do we fulfill our mission? A clear promise from employees to customers.
The Family and MWR Provider's Promise teaches employees their role in best fulfilling the Family and MWR Mission and empowers them to drive customer awareness, connection and participation.The Promise sets the bar for quality service delivery across all program areas.
We are dedicated to providing support and leisure services that are as outstanding as the people we serve.
Our aim is to be there for every one of our customers and to meet their individual needs for:
Exceptional Service - friendly, responsive and caring
Information and Access - to our many unique services
Consistent Quality and Value- in every Family and MWR program worldwide
TAGLINE: What is a tagline?
A tagline is a phrase, either used with a signature or as part of a communication, which is closely associated with an organization. The tagline addresses key elements of the positioning in a short, poetic statement suitable for advertising campaigns.
U.S. Army MWR Tagline (updated March 2010)
Soldiers ∙ Families ∙ Retirees ∙ Civilians
You are… A soldier, An employee, A volunteer, A parent
You are also… A spouse, A sibling, A retiree, A neighbor, A friend
Whether you are on-duty or off-duty, at the office or at home — We aim to be there with programs and services to enhance the quality of your life.
For all that you are… Family and MWR is for you…Soldiers ∙ Families ∙ Retirees ∙ Civilians
When referencing the brand in the spoken word, the following guidelines should be followed to ensure consistent communication at all levels and throughout all mediums.
When referencing the brand mark in the spoken word, the following guidelines should be followed to ensure consistent communication at all levels and throughout all mediums.
One should speak or write “Family and MWR” (“FMWR” is not acceptable).
When referencing “DFMWR” (with the “D” at the beginning), one should speak or write “DFMWR” or “Director Family and MWR”.
KEY MESSAGES: Why should they care? Relevant points for each audience.
Develop communications from the customer's point of view. Speak directly to your audience and convey the benefits that Family and MWR offers them. Communications should be used to invite/encourage participation in Family and MWR programs and services.
Key messages are guidelines for identifying what will resonate most with key audiences based on their needs and interests.
"Current and potential program users" or those for whom the programs and services are intended.
Family and MWR delivers leisure and support services to enhance the life of the Army community: soldiers (active, Reserve, and Guard), their families, military retirees, civilian employees and other eligible participants.
Family and MWR services are designed to meet the individual needs of its customers — from family, child and youth programs to recreation, sports, entertainment, travel and leisure activities.
Family and MWR exists because the U.S. Army is committed to the well-being of the community of people who serve and stand ready to defend the nation.
“Family and MWR employees at all levels” and all those who are inside the Family and MWR service structure and directly involved in supporting, managing and delivering Family and MWR programs and services to customers.Providers also include partners of associated programs who are directly involved in delivering Family and MWR programs and services to customers.”
You are part of an Army service that cares about the people who serve and stand ready to defend this nation by delivering services to meet their individual needs.
The programs and services you deliver contribute to the Army’s strength and readiness by helping to reduce stress, build skills and promote esprit de corps. Family and MWR services also help the Army attract and retain talented people.
By serving, informing and connecting customers to the broad range of Family and MWR programs, you are helping to fulfill the Army’s mission.
“The Army command” and others who are inside the Army structure and indirectly involved with the delivery of services by facilitating, monitoring or promoting Family and MWR. Hosts are distinguished from Providers due to their many other responsibilities — support of Family and MWR may or may not be a part of their job description.
Family and MWR helps attract and retain soldiers by delivering support and leisure services to meet the needs of the Army community.
Family and MWR contributes to the Army’s strength and readiness by offering services that reduce stress, build skills and self-confidence and foster strong esprit de corps.
Family and MWR is proof of the U.S. Army’s commitment to caring for the people who serve and stand ready to defend the nation.
“The American public” as well as Congress and the Department of Defense. Patrons are the ultimate benefactors of Family and MWR programs and services since it is their financial contributions that support the safety and defense of the country.Patrons benefit from Family and MWR programs and services through a strong Army that is well prepared for conflict.
Family and MWR is a comprehensive network of support and leisure services designed to serve the needs, interests and responsibilities of each individual in the Army community and enhance the quality of their lives.
From family, child and youth programs to recreation, sports, entertainment, travel and leisure activities — Family and MWR employees worldwide strive to deliver the highest quality programs and services at each installation.
Family and MWR helps ensure Army readiness by caring for the people who serve and stand ready to defend the nation.
BENEFITS TO CUSTOMERS: What's in it for them? Explaining the benefits of Family and MWR to customers.
It is important to reiterate the benefits of the services and programs to Family and MWR customers so that they can learn to recognize how Family and MWR can be of assistance to them during their daily routine and how to appreciate what Family and MWR offers.
Deployed soldiers
Relieve stress, unwind, get a break from duty (by reading a book, etc.)
Enjoy peace of mind that family back at home is being taken care of
Experience personal growth and fitness (exercise at the gym, play intramural sports, etc.)
Be prepared for deployment, relocation, reunion, etc.
Embrace quality of life
Young enlisted soldiers
Make new friends
Take an opportunity to have some fun or just hang out, play games, eat/drink, read or use a computer
Enjoy rest and relaxation
Experience personal growth and fitness
Embrace the community, socialize
Older, married soldiers
Relax alone or with the family
Experience personal growth and fitness
Connect with the community
Share information and receive guidance
Cope, adapt, adjust to Army life
Network and make new friends
Get a job
Uncover hidden talents
Learn, develop new hobbies and skills
Mothers and fathers
Get support to help raise children
Enjoy a safe wholesome environment for children
Have all activities planned out and do not have to do any work to participate
Meet new people
Share time with children
Embrace personal and family well-being
Experience life
Take care of yourself, well-being
Stay connected to the friends met before retirement
Meet new people
Experience the corporate workplace
Enjoy many of the same benefits entitled to soldiers
Take care of yourself, well-being
Meet new people
Brand Identity: The distinguishing composition of image, personality, character and actions by which an organization, product or service is known and differentiated.
Key Messages: Main topic points to convey to each target audience based on their needs and interests.To be used in the development of communications materials.
Logo: A unique visual representation of an organization's communicative name (for example, the treatment of the letters "Ford" represent Ford Motor Company just as "UPS" exclusively represents United Parcel Service).
Mission: Succinct definition of the organization’s purpose, charge, and reason for existence, including goals for all employees.It answers the questions: "Why are we here?" and "Why is what we do so important?"
Positioning: A statement designed to outline the principal attributes and benefits of a brand, and to provide the basis for alignment of all communications on the brand’s value.
Provider's Promise/Promise: Identifies the employees’ role in best fulfilling the MWR Mission and empowers them to drive customer awareness, connection and participation. The Promise sets the bar for quality service across all program areas.It answers the question: "What is my role in fulfilling the Mission?"
Signature: A symbol, logo or combination that represents a branded organization, product or service(Microsoft Windows signature is the combination of the words and the accompanying windows flag symbol).
Standards: The description of how to apply, and relate to each other, all visual elements, designs and materials approved for representing and communicating the brand.
Symbol: A graphic element, used alone, or with a logo as part of a signature to represent an organization, product or service (like the Mercedes Benz star).
Tagline: A phrase, either used with a signature or as part of a communication, which is closely associated with a brand, or organization (such as Nike's "Just Do It" or General Electric's "We Bring Good Things to Life").